News From The Past
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Well it has been some time since the last update and we are sorry. But a lot of things have been going on. Last month was hectic and the boys played a lot of shows. They want to thank everybody for coming and supporting them. They want to thank Make Me Real for playing with them at their CD Release Party. Now onto the good news. The store is up and running and you can purchase CD's and Tees through PayPal with all forms of payments. We have uploaded the pictures from the release party and are currently uploading more pictures.

Pictures have been added from the Diamond's show. If there are any comments or concerns that a response is wanted, please post the messages in the forum, not in the guestbook. The guestbook is mainly used for first timers or messages that are directed towards the band about performances. The forum is easy and it is updated with responses to all of your questions.
The CD's are finished. The band will be selling them at all shows for $10.00. We are currently working on selling them online. Don't forget about the CD release party on the 26th of April. Bring your friends to come and see the great show from Porch Magic and Make Me Real.


Pictures have been added from the shows at Bunker'sand at Plums's Bar. Porch Magic wants to thank everybody that showed up at those shows, especially at Bunker's. Good things are going to keep coming for the band and they hope to see everybody at the CD release party on April 26th, at Mr. Patom's in St. Paul.
Buy the dang CD
Purchase the band's self titled CD! Check out some samples here!
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Site best viewed at 1024 x 768 This line is for all the horsehead fans, a tribute to a band that never was! This one goes out to the Duffman!!!!! © Blue Knight Design 2002kk